MIDDLE AND LOWER INCOME SEGMENTS TOP PRIORITY: ‘Maximum relief’ for people in next budget

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday directed the government’s economic team to utilize all possible resources to provide maximum relief to common man in the budget for upcoming fiscal year 2023-24. Chairing a meeting here to review the budget 2023-24 preparations, he ordered to take every possible step to minimize the financial crisis of the […]

MIDDLE AND LOWER INCOME SEGMENTS TOP PRIORITY: ‘Maximum relief’ for people in next budget
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday directed the government’s economic team to utilize all possible resources to provide maximum relief to common man in the budget for upcoming fiscal year 2023-24. Chairing a meeting here to review the budget 2023-24 preparations, he ordered to take every possible step to minimize the financial crisis of the […]