Six Companies Clear Pre-Qualification for PIA Privatization

Six Companies Clear Pre-Qualification for PIA Privatization

Islamabad: In a significant step towards the privatization of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), six companies have successfully pre-qualified to take part in the process.

The announcement was made during a meeting of the Privatisation Commission Board, chaired by Federal Minister for Privatisation Abdul Aleem Khan.

Aleem Khan emphasized that "Transparency and speed are our top priorities in privatising these institutions."

He further stated, "We must ensure that the technical and financial stability of the companies involved in the privatisation process are thoroughly vetted."

Although the identities of the pre-qualified companies have not been revealed, sources indicated that the selection followed a rigorous evaluation of their financial health and technical capabilities.

The Privatisation Commission is expected to soon outline the next steps in the privatization timeline, including the release of detailed criteria and schedules for the final bidding process.