HBL, Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank and SCO held the 'Pakistan Economic Seminar'

HBL, Qingdao Rural Commercial Bank and SCO held the 'Pakistan Economic Seminar'

In a strategic move to explore Pakistan’s economic landscape and foster regional collaboration, Habib Bank Limited (HBL) took the helm in organizing a seminar titled ‘Pakistan's Macroeconomic Policy and Market Opportunities’. The seminar, held earlier this week and co-organized by HBL, Qingdao Rural and Commercial Bank and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Demonstration Zone, gathered key industry leaders and experts for an insightful discussion.

The seminar kicked off with a deep dive into Pakistan’s economic potential with particular emphasis on agriculture, energy, and information technology. Participants highlighted the urgent need for modernization and strategic investments in Pakistan’s agricultural sector. Moreover, the energy sector, especially renewable energy was identified as a key driver for sustainable development. The burgeoning IT sector showcased promising opportunities for innovation and support for startups.

A significant aspect of the seminar was the discussion on enhancing financial ties between Pakistan and China, facilitated by the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Risha Mohyeddin, Global Treasurer at HBL, underscored the strategic advantages of CPEC, stating, "Pakistan's economic landscape is ripe with opportunities, particularly in agriculture, energy, and IT. By leveraging our financial ties and the strategic advantages of CPEC, we can create a thriving environment for mutual growth."

The seminar also delved into fostering bilateral cooperation to drive mutual benefits across the region. Engaging discussions on cross-border transactions revealed the potential for increased trade and investment flows. Participants explored innovative financial solutions and strategies to enhance economic collaboration between Pakistan and its regional partners.

In a LinkedIn post, Risha Mohyeddin, Global Treasurer at Habib Bank Limited, shared his enthusiasm for the seminar and its outcomes:

The seminar concluded on an optimistic note, with a shared vision for Pakistan’s economic future. HBL’s leadership in organizing this event underscores its commitment to driving economic growth and fostering international cooperation.