Learn from a mechanic how to reduce your bike's fuel consumption.

A mechanic believes there are a few things you may do to lower your fuel expenses.

Learn from a mechanic how to reduce your bike's fuel consumption.

With petrol prices reaching an all-time high in Pakistan, more and more individuals are finding it difficult to afford to ride their bikes.

The salaried class in Pakistan, the most of whom travel by bike, is suffering greatly from the growing cost of gasoline.

A mechanic does believe there are a few things you may do to lower your gasoline expenses and save petrol.

A mechanic has provided some advice on how to save petrol on your bike.

Regularly check the pressure in your tires. An underinflated tire will increase the amount of gasoline your bike uses. At least once a month, check the pressure in your tires and fill them to the recommended level as indicated on the tire's sidewall.

Avert abrupt braking and acceleration. A strong acceleration or braking action uses more gasoline. To conserve fuel, try to accelerate and brake smoothly.

Make use of the highest gear you can. Your bike will use more gasoline the lower the gear. Make an effort to shift into the highest gear that is suitable for the speed at which you are moving.

Steer clear of carrying extra weight. The additional weight you carry will result in a higher fuel usage. Make an effort to get rid of any extra weight from your bike, such as bulky bags or passengers.

Regularly have your bike maintained. A bike with proper maintenance will use less gasoline than one with inadequate maintenance. Make sure you have a professional mechanic maintain your bike at least once a year.

Use an air filter that uses less fuel. Fuel efficiency can be lowered by airflow restriction caused by a filthy air filter. If your air filter is reusable, be sure to clean it or replace it on a regular basis.

Keep the bike tidy. A dirty bike will require more fuel and create more drag. Keep your bike well-maintained and wash it on a regular basis.

Use synthetic motor oil. Compared to conventional lubricants, synthetic oils are more slick and can increase fuel economy.

Modify the carburetor. Your bike may use more gasoline if the carburetor is not tuned properly. See a competent mechanic to adjust your bike's carburettor if you're not comfortable doing it yourself.