FBR officer kidnapped for Rs10 million ransom from Rawalpindi

FBR officer kidnapped for Rs10 million ransom from Rawalpindi

RAWALPINDI: A senior Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) officer was abducted from Rawalpindi during the Eid holidays for ransom, a police complaint said.

Rahmatullah Khan, a Grade 18 officer of the Inland Revenue Service, posted at the FBR headquarters was kidnapped for a ransom of Rs 1 crore from the family to release him.

Rawalpindi police registered an FIR on the complaint of the victim’s brother-in-law, Mohammad Shafiq on April 15. According to the FIR, FBR’s Inland Revenue Services officer Rahmatullah Khan was abducted by unknown men on April 12 at 11:30 am during the Eidul Fitr holidays.

His brother-in-law told police that Rahmatullah left home saying that he was going to greet his friends on Eid. In the complaint, Mohammad Shafiq, further stated that all efforts were made to contact and trace the victim, but due to the mobile phone being switched off since April 12, no contact could be made and no trace could be found.

The brother-in-law of the kidnapped officer said that he received a call from a Sindhi-speaking man asking for a ransom of 10 million. The kidnappers said that Rehmatullah Khan is in their custody in the Kacha area. Police have launched an investigation into the matter.

The early recovery of the abducted officer is a challenge for the Chairman FBR and police as the kidnapping of an FBR officer has caused great anxiety among other officers.