7 Strategic AI Questions All Business Leaders Should Be Asking Immediately

AI will cause significant upheaval in business and life. Disruption is happening rapidly. Seize the opportunity to lead conversations as a thought leader or change agent. Various platforms for discussions and interactions. Early-stage conversations are vital for customer assistance and industry influence. Aim to create awareness, explore new possibilities, plan strategically, and take action.

7 Strategic AI Questions All Business Leaders Should Be Asking Immediately
strategic AI Questions by Businesses

Generally speaking, using absolutes may be risky. No, not now.

Without a doubt, AI will cause the biggest upheaval to business and to life in general that we have ever seen in human history.

That's largely because this disruption is occurring in front of our eyes at a dizzying pace.

This is your chance to take the lead in the conversations that are now needed

if you consider yourself a thought leader or a change agent.

I'm not using metaphors here. I'm referring specifically to:


  • Corporate roundtables
  • Blue sky conferences
  • private executive briefings
  • gatherings of top leaders
  • Division off-sites
  • executive getaways that are facilitated
  • Power breakfasts or lunches
  • scheduling dinners
  • Seminars
  • podcast interviews
  • or the thought-leader platforms of your choice.

Exist all the solutions? Obviously not.

But the importance of these early-stage conversations is crucial for assisting your customers, points of influence, and other significant players in your industry to start experiencing a paradigm shift by: raising their level of awareness, mentally sorting through everything that is going on, widening their minds to a world of new possibilities, planning strategically, and acting.

To be clear: A frozen reaction is the worst scenario for any organization, regardless of size.