China, Pakistan to Deepen Strategic Partnership: Xi Jingping

China, Pakistan to Deepen Strategic Partnership: Xi Jingping

China and Pakistan will continue to deepen the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership to bring more benefits for the people of the two countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday said while congratulating Shehbaz Sharif on becoming the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Xi Jinping was of the view that under the leadership of Shehbaz Sharif and the new Pakistani government, the country will achieve new and greater accomplishments in the cause of national development and progress.

He stressed that China and Pakistan should continue their traditional friendship, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in all fields, jointly build an upgraded version of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era. 

Pakistan and China enjoy close and friendly relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations in May 1951. Over the years, the relationship has blossomed into an all-weather strategic cooperative partnership.

Pakistan considers China as one of its closest friends and partners and China considers Pakistan as its Iron Brother. The bilateral relationship between the two neighbouring countries is characterized by feelings of mutual trust, respect, and goodwill towards each other.

Economically, China is Pakistan’s largest trading partner and a major investor, especially in infrastructure and energy sector. With the official launch of the CPEC, the bilateral relationship has been elevated to a higher level.