YouTube testing new ad format for viewership

The 'Pause Ad Pilot' allows advertisers to display ads when users pause their videos

YouTube testing new ad format for viewership

In a bid to revolutionise video advertising, YouTube is experimenting with a novel approach - playing ads when users aren't actively watching videos.

This bold move has yielded promising results, hinting at a potential wider rollout in the future.

Tech giant Google, which owns YouTube, has reported positive results from the initial tests of these 'Pause Ads.' According to Google, the introduction of this non-intrusive ad format on Connected TV platforms has yielded promising outcomes during the first quarter of the year.

The 'Pause Ad Pilot' allows advertisers to display ads when users pause their videos, offering a seamless and uninterrupted viewing experience. Initial data suggests that these pause ads have generated significant brand lift results and have attracted premium rates from advertisers.

Despite the positive feedback from the pilot program, YouTube and Google have not yet announced any concrete plans for a widespread rollout of the feature. Details regarding the potential expansion of pause ads and their availability to a broader audience remain undisclosed.