Roti Price Violation: 92 Hotels fined Rs 172,000 On Violators

Roti Price Violation: 92 Hotels fined Rs 172,000 On Violators

MULTAN: Divisional administration detected bread (roti) price violations at 92 hotels and imposed a fine of Rs 172,000 on the violators during a special campaign to discourage artificial inflation.

Three more people were detained for selling bread for more than the suggested amount, according to sources at the Commissioner Multan office.

In Punjab, the price of “Roti” is fixed at Rs 16 for 100 grams, while the price of “Naan” is fixed at Rs 20 for 120 grams. In a statement, Commissioner Mariam Khan requested the public to assist the divisional administration and report any complaints by calling 080002345.

She threatened to take strict measures against the profiteers. She made it clear that anyone caught taking illicit money from the public would not be allowed to continue.