Pakistan's Foreign Reserve Levels See Downward Trend as Central Bank Reserves Dip.

Pakistan's Foreign Reserve Levels See Downward Trend as Central Bank Reserves Dip.

As of December 15, 2023, Pakistan's overall liquid foreign reserves have reached a total of $12,068.4 million, as per a recent statement released by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). The central bank's reserves, comprising a significant portion, stand at $6,904.8 million.

The reported figures indicate a decrease in SBP's reserves by $136 million during the reviewed week, primarily attributed to debt repayments. Simultaneously, commercial banks sustained net foreign reserves amounting to $5,163.6 million.

In the preceding week, concluding on December 08, 2023, the nation's total liquid foreign reserves were slightly higher at $12,206.4 million. At that time, the central bank held $7,040.8 million, and commercial banks possessed net foreign reserves of $5,165.6 million.

This fluctuation in the liquid foreign reserves reflects the dynamic economic landscape, with debt repayments impacting the central bank's holdings. The commercial banks, however, have been instrumental in maintaining a substantial portion of the overall reserves.

The State Bank of Pakistan continues to monitor and manage the country's foreign reserves, playing a crucial role in navigating economic challenges and ensuring financial stability.