Pakistan braces for high-stakes IMF board meeting on July 12

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) board is scheduled to meet the Pakistan side on July 12, 2023, following the Staff Level Agreement (SLA) which was finalized on June 29, 2023.

Pakistan braces for high-stakes IMF board meeting on July 12

The Staff Level Agreement (SLA), which was completed on June 29, 2023, would be followed by an IMF board meeting with the Pakistani side on July 12, 2023.

Earlier in June 2023, market investors speculated without understanding the real cause behind Pakistan's exclusion from the IMF's provisional calendar of official meetings.

The Staff Level Agreement (SLA), which the government and IMF were still working to finalise, was the cause of this absence.

Therefore, Pakistan's earlier omission from the calendar was not a sign of doom for the nation.