NEPRA Confirms Quarterly Rate Adjustment

NEPRA Confirms Quarterly Rate Adjustment

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Power Division, Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari, revealed on Saturday that the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has finalized the quarterly tariff adjustment for the third quarter of the ongoing fiscal year.

This adjustment will impact the billing cycles of June, July, and August.

As per the ministry’s statement, the tariff adjustment for June stands at Rs1.90 per unit. Subsequently, this rate will decrease to 93 paisa per unit for the billing months of July and August.

Additionally, Minister Leghari highlighted that a quarterly adjustment of Rs4.65 per unit will be levied in June. However, this amount will decrease to 93 paisa per unit in the subsequent billing cycles of July and August.

Leghari further stated that NEPRA had previously sanctioned a tariff adjustment of Rs2.75 per unit for the second quarter, which is presently being recovered during the billing periods of April, May, and June.

He clarified that NEPRA determines the quarterly tariffs for Distribution Companies (DISCOs), which are then recovered over the ensuing three months.

This announcement is part of NEPRA’s routine adjustments aimed at ensuring that tariffs mirror the current expenses incurred in electricity production and distribution, with the goal of maintaining a balance between the financial sustainability of power providers and the affordability for consumers.