Mari Petroleum discovers gas reserves in Sindh

Mari Petroleum discovers gas reserves in Sindh

Mari Petroleum Company Limited (PSX: MARI) has made an oil discovery resulting from its exploratory efforts at Shawal-l well, drilled in Mari D&PL, located in Sindh, the exploration firm informed the main bourse on Monday.

According to the filing, the Shawal-l well was successfully drilled down to a total depth of 1,136 meters into the Ghazij Formation on January 27, 2024

1,040 barrels of crude oil with an API of approximately 30 degrees and 12% Basic Sediment & Water (BS&W) were produced by the well during testing, along with 2.5 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of associated gas at a wellhead flowing pressure (WHFP) of 953 pounds per square inch (Psi) at a 32/64 inch choke size.

Despite Mari D&PL producing gas since 1967, this is the company’s first oil discovery.

Mari D&PL is operated by MPCL, which owns a 100% operating stake.