KYC Registration Window - Deadline Extended to March 31, 2024

KYC Registration Window - Deadline Extended to March 31, 2024

According to the most recent notice issued by the National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited (NCCPL), the deadline for registering current clients in the KYC Database has been further extended until March 31, 2024, in light of the sizeable number of investors who have not yet registered under the KYC regime.

"Considering the aforementioned, it is recommended that all Authorized Investors finish their clients' KYC procedures within the timeframe mentioned above," the letter said.

If the process is not finished, the business will take the appropriate measures in accordance with the relevant CKO regulations.

It is emphasized that the CKO has recently added a number of convenient options for customers to register under the CKO regime. These options allow for the easy registration of current customers in the KYC Database, so careful efforts should be made to finish the process within the above-specified timeframe.