Germany-Pakistan Relations Discussed by Ambassador during KCFR Meeting

Addressing energy crisis management, he explained Germany's efforts to secure alternative energy sources and the impact on their exports. The Ambassador acknowledged the active presence of German organizations, GIZ and KFW, in Pakistan, with a focus on promoting training, employment, and sustainable economic growth.

Germany-Pakistan Relations Discussed by Ambassador during KCFR Meeting
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KARACHI: German Ambassador to Pakistan, Alfred Granas, addressed a gathering hosted by the Karachi Council of Foreign Relations (KCFR) to shed light on the enduring diplomatic and investment ties between Germany and Pakistan, spanning seven decades. During his insightful speech, he emphasized Germany's deep-rooted commitment to this significant region.

Granas proudly stated that Germany has been a steadfast contributor to Pakistan, providing over $150 million in aid. Moreover, the bilateral trade relationship has consistently favored both nations. "Germany has actively engaged in electronics, medical, and environmental collaborations with Pakistan. While the German government has not issued an official stance on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), it is viewed as a promising economic initiative for Pakistan," he remarked.

Highlighting the contrast in energy strategies, Granas pointed out that Germany is in the process of phasing out nuclear energy and transitioning to renewable sources. He underscored the pivotal role of sustainable energy in their approach.

Addressing a question regarding managing energy crises, particularly when gas supplies from Russia were interrupted or pipelines damaged, Granas shared that Germany's Ministry of Energy had diligently orchestrated alternative energy sources, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) and energy imports from neighboring countries. Unfortunately, this shift in energy sources had implications for their export market, leading to increased costs.

Potential projects in collaboration with Pakistani authorities.

The Ambassador lauded the continued presence and active roles of two prominent German organizations, GIZ and KFW, in Pakistan. While the scale of their contributions may have evolved over the years, both remain eager to explore potential projects in collaboration with Pakistani authorities.

In particular, GIZ has maintained its active involvement with ongoing projects, emphasizing training, employment, and sustainable economic development in Pakistan. Their initiatives aim to enhance the quality of vocational training and tailor programs to align with labor market demands, thereby promoting economic growth.

Mrs. Nadira Panjwani, Chairperson of KCFR, commended the enduring and robust collaboration between Pakistan and Germany. She highlighted the historically friendly and stable relationship between the two nations, underscoring Germany's pivotal role in Pakistan's industrialization and the support extended by various German aid and development organizations to foster socioeconomic growth.

During her speech, Mrs. Panjwani paid a heartfelt tribute to iconic German personalities like Dr. Annemarie Schimmel and Dr. Ruth Pfau, who have made invaluable contributions to Pakistan's progress and development.