Challenges Persist for KSTM as Operations Remain Stalled Amidst Electricity Cost Disparity

KSTM is confronted with challenges stemming from elevated interest rates and subdued demand in the market

Challenges Persist for KSTM as Operations Remain Stalled Amidst Electricity Cost Disparity

Khalid Siraj Textile Mills Limited (PSX: KSTM) finds itself in a predicament, forced to suspend operations due to the impracticality of sustaining business operations amidst soaring electricity costs. The company revealed in its latest progress report, released to the local bourse today, that operating with electricity rates at approximately 19 cents has become untenable, particularly when competitors are benefiting from rates as low as 7 cents.

The company acknowledged its historical advantage derived from favorable government policies that provided regional competitive energy rates. However, these advantageous conditions have undergone a shift due to commitments made to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Despite expressions of concern by the government about addressing this issue, tangible solutions have been elusive, particularly in the face of a caretaker setup. The company notes, "The government has, from time to time, expressed its deepest concerns about fixing this problem, but due to a caretaker setup, nothing concrete has been done."

Optimism shines through in the report as KSTM anticipates that, following the February 2024 elections, there may be a semblance of political stability. This optimism fuels the company's hope for resolution of the challenges it faces, including high electricity costs, interest rates, and low demand. The management remains positive, actively working towards restarting production as swiftly as possible.