Acts Of Kindness: Carnival for Orphans Organised at PNCA

On Sunday, the Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) in Rawalpindi and Islamabad hosted the ostentatious "Fest Carnival 2023," which was enjoyed by hundreds of orphaned children and members of the general public.

Acts Of Kindness: Carnival for Orphans Organised at PNCA

Over 500 orphan children from Rawalpindi and Islamabad were invited to this carnival, which was organized by Act of Kindness Pakistan, a youth-based volunteer organization, to enjoy a lavish event at no cost.

In addition, a live performance was scheduled to generate money for the nationwide free medical camp initiative. During his concert, well-known singer Fahad Zahid received praise from both the general public and the orphans. The songs of well-known performers were well-received by the general public, who were joyful.

The program's organizers set up swings, free food, and a variety of games for live performances featuring orphan youngsters. The carnival brought delight to the orphan children. The government has been asked by the orphan children to host these kinds of events at the government level so that they can attend for free.

According to program organizer Ateeq Afridi, "The News" was informed that this program was especially planned for orphan youngsters in order to promote enjoyment. He explained that it was essentially a charity event to raise money to be used for the benefit of orphans. He expressed gratitude to the public for taking part in the program to support orphans.