A Pakistani startup is declaring war on climate change

Suftech Innovations, a Pakistani startup, has deployed its war paint to launch a breakthrough attack on climate change by deploying disruptive technologies to efficiently reuse resources, reduce marine and land pollution, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at a scale that matters. Leading the transition from a linear plastics economy to a truly circular and sustainable […] The post A Pakistani startup is declaring war on climate change appeared first on Economy.pk.

A Pakistani startup is declaring war on climate change

Suftech Innovations, a Pakistani startup, has deployed its war paint to launch a breakthrough attack on climate change by deploying disruptive technologies to efficiently reuse resources, reduce marine and land pollution, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at a scale that matters.

Leading the transition from a linear plastics economy to a truly circular and sustainable plastics economy, Suftech is a climate technology startup with cutting-edge, patented technology that can create virgin polymer from plastic waste. The resulting product is of such premium quality that it can be used as a substitute for virgin polymer.

This directly moves the business one step closer to the goal of net zero emissions, promotes circulation and sustainability, and helps commercial organizations fulfill their obligations related to the recycling and reuse of plastics in a responsible manner.

It should be noted that the technology is replicable and scalable and can be moved to any global destination.

“The reason for doing something related to climate change was straightforward, it was something that is very close to our heart,” Ahsan Ejaz, co-founder and managing director of Suftech Innovations Private Limited.

The founders of Suftech are focused on the ability to help solve global environmental problems and believe that “Earth is our only home, and unless action is taken now, this home will not be responsible for our future generations”.

The startup’s founders, who had no investors, launched after being awarded a 2021 Green Challenge fund by Karandaaz Pakistan, an implementing partner of the UK Foreign Office, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

The funding helped them set up their factory on a commercial scale. They now aim to make Suftech Innovations a regional company with at least two manufacturing facilities in the MENA region in the next five years.

Ejaz claims that Suftech has already revolutionized Pakistan and they aim to expand into the US and UK markets in the next ten years.

He specified that within a few months, the company prevented more than 30,000 kilograms of plastic waste from entering the environment and causing land/sea pollution. “This technology has helped reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an incredible 450,000 kg and helped save $60,000 in precious foreign exchange by replacing the new polymer with our product.

While most startups struggle to stay afloat, Suftech hasn’t been affected by the economic crisis that others are facing.

Ejaz believes that every crisis is also an opportunity. “At the same time, due to the unfortunate economic scenario in Pakistan, which has imposed restrictions on imports and made everything imported extremely expensive, has created opportunities for businesses that rely on local materials.

At Suftech, we produce virgin polymer from plastic waste, which is readily available in Pakistan, so we have not been affected by the shortage of raw materials ensuring the availability of our product and cementing our position as a reliable supplier to our customers

However, the co-founder added that the very high cost of electricity and the tax system in Pakistan for startups needs to be simplified.

This would allow startups like ours to reach our potential much faster and more efficiently.

The post A Pakistani startup is declaring war on climate change appeared first on Economy.pk.