World Bank Delegation Holds Talks with BISP Chairman on Enhancing Stipends in Kifaalat Program

The meeting highlighted the commitment of both organizations to uplift marginalized sections of society and ensure relief to the impoverished. Dr. Saqib, BISP's Chairperson, emphasized transparency and discussed new initiatives. Nicole Klingen praised BISP's efforts, while the exact stipend increase remains undisclosed, pending financial evaluations in consultation with relevant government departments.

World Bank Delegation Holds Talks with BISP Chairman on Enhancing Stipends in Kifaalat Program
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ISLAMABAD: Dr. Amjad Saqib, Chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), has put forward a proposal to increase the stipends for deserving women beneficiaries as part of the BISP's Kifaalat initiative. This suggestion was made during a meeting with a delegation from the World Bank (WB), led by Nicole Klingen, South Asia Regional Director (Human Development) at WB.

In addition to proposing higher stipend amounts, Dr. Saqib recommended expanding the network of commercial banks involved in disbursing stipend payments to further facilitate the beneficiaries.

During the meeting, both BISP and WB reiterated their commitment to collaborate in uplifting marginalized segments of society and providing relief to the poorest of the poor, as stated in an official BISP release.

Dr. Saqib emphasized the importance of maintaining transparency and ensuring that no deductions would be made from the stipends of women beneficiaries. He also discussed the challenges faced by BISP and outlined his vision for new initiatives within the program.

Furthermore, Dr. Saqib briefed the WB delegation on various BISP initiatives, including Kafaalat, Taleemi Wazaif, Nashonuma, and the National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER). He also highlighted the induction of new poverty graduation programs, focusing on self-reliance for families, technical education for children, support programs for orphans and widows, and the establishment of endowment funds for needy families.

 Nicole Klingen praised the concept of BISP, describing it as a significant initiative.

From the WB side, Nicole Klingen praised the concept of BISP, describing it as a significant initiative aimed at supporting marginalized segments of society, particularly women and children. She also commended BISP for its impressive response time during crises such as floods and COVID-19, acknowledging BISP as an exemplary model in the field of social protection.

The delegation head expressed the WB's commitment to providing ongoing support to BISP in the future.

It is important to note that BISP currently provides a quarterly stipend of 9,000 rupees per beneficiary to up to 10 million deserving beneficiaries under the Kifaalat initiative. The exact proposed increase in stipends to be presented to the federal government remains undisclosed, with BISP officials mentioning that any adjustments would be made following financial evaluations in consultation with the Finance Ministry and Cabinet Division.

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