Will Barbie be shown in Punjab? Censor board to review Hollywood blockbuster today

Barbie one of most anticipated and most celebrated movies of year. Board members to hold thorough review to decide on screening.  Punjab’s censor board official denies any “pro-LGBT”content in film. LAHORE: The Punjab Censor Board will decide the fate of the Hollywood blockbuster “Barbie” today (Tuesday) in a meeting of all members of the regulator […]

Will Barbie be shown in Punjab? Censor board to review Hollywood blockbuster today
Barbie one of most anticipated and most celebrated movies of year. Board members to hold thorough review to decide on screening.  Punjab’s censor board official denies any “pro-LGBT”content in film. LAHORE: The Punjab Censor Board will decide the fate of the Hollywood blockbuster “Barbie” today (Tuesday) in a meeting of all members of the regulator […]