Why is it not a good idea to use a laptop while it is being charged?

Using a laptop while it's plugged in and charging can have a negative effect on your health.

Why is it not a good idea to use a laptop while it is being charged?

In a new video on Youtube Shorts, Dr. Janine Bowring, known as @doctorjanine, has given us some important knowledge about how laptops can impact our health.

She says that it may not be a good idea for your health to use your laptop while it is connected to the charger.

Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure refers to being in the presence of electromagnetic waves emitted by electronic devices such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and power lines.

Dr is a title used to address someone who has completed their education and training to become a doctor. Bowring explains that studies have found that when you plug in your laptop to charge, it releases a stronger electromagnetic force.

This may sound complicated, but in simpler words, it's similar to the energy emitted by your laptop that you can't see. If you use a charging laptop, you're getting more of this energy, which may not be good for your cells.

Problems related to how our cells function

According to a doctor According to Bowring, using a charging laptop may expose you to extra EMF radiation which could harm your cell health.

It could also make you feel tired and has been connected to sicknesses like cancer. This is a very important matter.

How to keep yourself safe

Don't worry, the doctor is here. Bowring has some useful suggestions to decrease your exposure to EMF. She recommends turning on airplane mode on your devices whenever possible.

Also, make sure to give yourself breaks from looking at your electronic devices and spend some time outdoors enjoying the sun. It's like starting fresh for your body.

Supplement advice

Bowring also suggests taking a specific kind of magnesium pill called "magnesium bisglycinate. "

This pill may help your cells handle electromagnetic fields (EMFs) more effectively. It's like protecting your cells from the energy of the laptop.

Sitting for long periods of time is also a problem.

Sitting for a long time while using your laptop can be bad for your health.

Fitness expert Dan Go cautions that sitting for over 6 hours a day can cause bad posture, weight gain, and pain in your neck, shoulders, and back. So, don't forget to rest and move your body.

In simple words, it may not be good for your health to use your laptop while it is being charged.

However, by doing easy tasks such as going outside and taking short breaks, you can keep yourself safe from these possible dangers. Be cautious and make sure to charge your laptops carefully.