Top 10 World's Most Gender-Equal Countries

Top 10 World's Most Gender-Equal Countries

The pursuit of gender equality continues to be a significant global issue, with varying degrees of success across different nations. The World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report for 2023 highlights the ten most gender-equal countries, showcasing remarkable achievements while also underscoring the long road ahead for the rest of the world.

Ranks Country Gender Parity
1. Iceland 93.5%
2. Finland 87.5%
3. Norway 87.5%
4. New Zealand 83.5%
5. Sweden 81.6%
6. Nicaragua 81.1%
7. Germany 81%
8. Namibia 80.5%
9. Ireland 80.2%
10. Spain 79.7%
10. Spain (79.7% Gender Parity)
Spain has made impressive strides, climbing eight places since 2023 to secure a spot in the top ten. The country's efforts in closing the gender gap have resulted in significant improvements across various sectors.
9. Ireland (80.2% Gender Parity)
Ireland stands out for achieving 100% parity in educational attainment. This milestone reflects the country's commitment to providing equal educational opportunities for both men and women.
8. Namibia (80.5% Gender Parity)
Namibia has closed 82.1% of its gender income gap, highlighting its dedication to reducing economic disparities between men and women. This progress positions Namibia as a leader in gender equality in Africa.
7. Germany (81% Gender Parity)
Germany ranks highly in political empowerment for women, with near-equal ministerial representation. This progress underscores the country's commitment to ensuring women have a significant role in political decision-making.
6. Nicaragua (81.1% Gender Parity)
In Nicaragua, women comprise a larger proportion of the technical and professional workforce than men. This achievement reflects the country's success in promoting gender equality in professional environments.
5. Sweden (81.6% Gender Parity)
Sweden has achieved near parity at the ministerial level, demonstrating its leadership in political gender equality. The country's progressive policies have contributed to its high ranking.
4. New Zealand (83.5% Gender Parity)
New Zealand excels in educational equality, having maintained full parity over the past six years. This consistency highlights the nation's strong commitment to equal educational opportunities.
3. Norway (87.5% Gender Parity)
Norway boasts more women in ministerial roles than men, emphasizing its dedication to political gender equality. This milestone marks Norway as a pioneer in promoting women in leadership positions.
2. Finland (87.5% Gender Parity)
Finland has been an educational equality champion, achieving 100% parity in 15 of the past 18 years. This long-term success underscores Finland's commitment to equal education for all.
1. Iceland (93.5% Gender Parity)
For the 15th consecutive year, Iceland tops the rankings with an impressive 93.5% gender parity. The country leads in political parity and has closed over 90% of its overall gender gap, making it the only country to achieve such a feat.
The Global Challenge
Despite these successes, the global scenario remains concerning. Based on current progress, it will take 134 years to reach full gender parity worldwide, which is roughly five generations later than the Sustainable Development Goal target of 2030. This stark reality underscores the need for accelerated efforts to close the gender gap.
Accelerating Progress
The World Economic Forum has been proactive in speeding up progress through its national Gender Parity Accelerators. These initiatives have boosted economic opportunities for 870,000 women in 14 countries by implementing laws and workplace policies that address labour, pay, and leadership gender gaps.
While the top ten countries provide inspiring examples of progress towards gender equality, the global community must intensify efforts to bridge the remaining gaps. Achieving full gender parity is not only a moral imperative but also essential for fostering inclusive and sustainable development worldwide.
Source: World Economic Forum(WEF).