Earthquake Alert: 'Strong tremor' predicted by a Dutch expert for Pakistani earthquake

Seismic event is expected to strike Pakistan within the next 48 hours

Earthquake Alert: 'Strong tremor' predicted by a Dutch expert for Pakistani earthquake
Strong tremor

A significant earthquake in Pakistan was predicted by the Netherlands-based Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS), which has gained notoriety for its accuracy in making seismic predictions.

The SSGEOS predicts that Pakistan will experience this seismic event within the next 48 hours.

The SSGEOS is an organization that focuses on keeping an eye on variations in electric charge in the atmosphere close to the surface of the ocean, which they claim are a sign of areas where increased seismic activity may occur, often within a period of 1 to 9 days.

The organization cautions that the places they flag as potentially affected are estimates, but they nevertheless offer useful information about possible earthquake-prone areas.

The Dutch researcher with SSGEOS recently forecast a large increase in electric activity along Pakistan's Chaman fault zones.

Sesmic Activity

This surge has sparked anticipation of a powerful earthquake occurring within the next 48 hours, causing concern among the local population.

This Dutch scientist is notable because he has a history of correctly predicting earthquakes, most notably the terrible quake that struck Turkey earlier this year. Tragically, more than 47,000 people died as a result of the earthquake in Turkey. 

Atmospheric Fluctuation

The PMD has regularly disregarded such forecasts in the past, claiming that there is no sound scientific evidence to support them.

Due to the confluence of the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate, Pakistan is situated in a seismically active area, making it susceptible to earthquakes.

The nation has seen a number of major earthquakes throughout its history, and the potential of seismic disasters is still a continual worry.

Expert opinion

Globally, seismologists continue to stress how difficult it is to anticipate earthquakes with any degree of accuracy. Due to considerable seismic activity, it is possible to predict the likelihood of earthquakes in specific regions, although determining the precise positions and times of earthquakes is still difficult.

Experts emphasize that it is important to proceed cautiously when considering earthquake predictions, especially those given by well-intentioned scientists.