‘Sources of LGs Income Being Improved With World Bank’s Support’

‘Sources of LGs Income Being Improved With World Bank’s Support’

LAHORE: Punjab Local Government Secretary Dr Ahmed Javed Qazi has said that with the support of the World Bank, the sources of income of local governments being improved.

He expressed these views during a meeting with a two-member World Bank delegation on Friday. The meeting discussed matters relating to extending the scope of the Punjab Cities Programme (PCP) to other cities of Punjab.

Dr Ahmed Javed Qazi told the delegation that the Punjab government wants to expand the project to other local governments, adding that this programme aims to increase its capacity. He averred that the decision to extend the project to other cities was taken after receiving positive reports from 16 municipal committees that benefited from PCP.

“The systems developed under the PCP have significantly changed the performance of 16 local governments; technical and financial support to other local governments could further improve service delivery,” he added.

He disclosed that with the World Bank’s assistance, the source of income of local governments was also being improved, adding that the cooperation between the World Bank and the Punjab Local Government Department for the improvement of infrastructure at a local level was commendable.

On this occasion, the members of the delegation assured the Punjab government of their full cooperation in future and they also reviewed the PCP’s performance and utilisation plan.