Solar Panel Prices Jump in Pakistan

Stakeholders express concerns additional taxes could hinder the growth of solar energy adoption

Solar Panel Prices Jump in Pakistan

Ahead of Budget 2024-2025, solar panel prices in Pakistan have seen a marked increase, with traders adjusting rates in anticipation of new tax measures.

The federal government is expected to unveil the budget on June 12, aligning with conditions set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as Pakistan negotiates a fresh bailout package.

Sources said that the government is contemplating imposing additional taxes on solar panels, prompting traders to hike prices preemptively. The increase, amounting to Rs8 per watt, has been felt across various panel sizes and specifications.

As of June 2024, the new prices for solar panels are as follows:

  • 1 Watt: Rs8
  • 588 Watt Plate: Rs4,000 to Rs5,000
  • 180 Watt Panel: Rs1,440

Consumers who previously an increase amount of  around Rs3,000 to Rs4,000 for a 588-watt panel are now facing a significant jump in prices.

while smaller panels ranging from 180 to 280 watts are now priced between Rs1,000 and Rs1,500.