Smart Golf Carts Introduced for Tawaf at Grand Mosque in Makkah

Smart Golf Carts Introduced for Tawaf at Grand Mosque in Makkah

During the month of Ramadan, the General Authority for the Care of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque has launched a new initiative: the introduction of smart golf carts for tawaf, the circling ritual around the Holy Kaaba. The primary aim of this service is to assist elderly individuals and those with special needs during the bustling Umrah season.

According to the announcement made by the authority, specific pilgrims will have access to these golf carts via various entrances such as the Ajyad Escalators, King Abdulaziz Gate Elevators, and Umrah Gate Elevators. The service will operate from 4:00 pm to 4:00 am daily, spanning a duration of 12 hours.

It's important to note that these golf carts are designated solely for performing tawaf, the circumambulation around the Kaaba. Each ride is priced at SR25 per person, inclusive of taxes. In total, there are 50 golf carts available, with each cart having the capacity to accommodate up to 10 passengers.

To utilize the golf cart service, pilgrims can purchase tickets from the sales points situated on the roof of the Grand Mosque.