Punjab Tackles Pollution with 10,000 E-Bikes for Students

Punjab Tackles Pollution with 10,000 E-Bikes for Students

In a bold move to combat environmental concerns in the provincial metropolis, the Punjab government has unveiled an innovative plan to distribute 10,000 electric bikes among students from various educational institutions.

The groundbreaking initiative aims not only to provide students with a sustainable and eco-friendly mode of transportation but also to actively promote the adoption of electric vehicles, aligning with global efforts toward greener mobility.

Partnering with the government, the Bank of Punjab has taken the lead in introducing a student-focused financing scheme. This program enables students to acquire electric bikes through convenient installments, featuring a minimal interest rate. The financing period spans two years, with a modest six percent markup.

A crucial meeting was held at the P&D Board, chaired by Provincial Minister for Planning and Development, Bilal Afzal. Attendees included key figures such as Chairman P&D Board Iftikhar Ali Sahoo, Secretary P&D Board Muzaffar Khan Sial, members of the P&D Board, and other government officials.

The meeting involved a comprehensive examination of various proposals, with the transport department delivering a detailed briefing on the eligibility criteria for student participation. Notable electric bike manufacturers, including Honda, were highlighted as potential partners.

Minister Bilal Afzal emphasized the program's significance, positioning it as a government pilot project aimed at leveraging the market and fostering the widespread adoption of electric bikes. He directed the committee to create a rational and cost-effective financing model, urging them to submit a detailed plan for approval to the Chief Minister of Punjab and the cabinet.

Afzal stressed the need for a robust framework to vet student applications and called for continuous monitoring to ensure the success and efficiency of the e-bike scheme.

In outlining the program's inaugural phase, Afzal disclosed that e-bikes would be allocated to eligible and position-holder students through a balloting scheme facilitated by the Bank of Punjab.

Chairman P&D Board Iftikhar Ali Sahoo issued directives to relevant departments, including transport, Bank of Punjab, higher education, and finance, to collaborate on the program's development.

He specified that the initial distribution of e-bikes would focus on students in major cities such as Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan, and Faisalabad, with a separate quota designated for both male and female students. This ambitious initiative underscores the government's unwavering commitment to sustainable transportation solutions and environmental conservation.