PSX celebrates World Investor Week 2023

CEO says market offers robust returns, encourages youth to participate.

PSX celebrates World Investor Week 2023

Across a wide range of asset classes, the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) has a long history of producing outstanding returns on investment. However, because to a lack of investor education and awareness, a sizable section of the public is still ignorant of these profitable prospects.

Through a gong ceremony at PSX, Managing Director and CEO Farrukh H Khan highlighted the impressive results during World Investor Week (WIW) 2023. "The KSE 100's 20-year return is well above 15% per annum in dollar terms," he said.

Khan went on to say that, particularly in the case of equities, only few asset classes worldwide provide returns as strong as these. Consequently, he emphasized how crucial it is to learn about and comprehend stock market trading, particularly for young people who can begin investing at a young age and eventually maximize their returns.

It's important to remember that the 15% return stated takes into account PSX's comparatively muted performance in recent years, which has been impacted by government actions meant to calm an overheated economy.

Commissioner Abdul Rehman Warraich of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan's Supervision Division disclosed SECP's plan to create a fund with recurring donations from different regulated and self-regulatory organizations. According to a release, the fund's main objectives will be to advance investor education and awareness through print, electronic, and social media platforms as well as through training and educational initiatives that support organizations like the Institute of Financial Markets of Pakistan.

As a component of WIW 2023, PSX raised awareness about investor safety and education alongside a large number of other exchanges and organizations across the globe. WIW is an annual event that takes place in 2023 and is organized by the World Federation of Exchanges. For the third year running, PSX has been actively involved in the WIW organization.

The week-long events are designed to raise awareness of investor protection and education while highlighting the importance of financial literacy.