Positive Trends in Global Business and Pakistan's Economic Outlook - 2023

Positive Trends in Global Business and Pakistan's Economic Outlook - 2023


A Resilient Global Economy

Despite facing monetary tightening measures and heightened uncertainties, the global economy is displaying signs of resilience. Projections from both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank suggest a path of recovery. The IMF expects a moderate decline in global economic growth, from 3.4 percent in 2022 to 2.8 percent in 2023, with a rebound to 3.0 percent in 2024. Similarly, the World Bank projects a decline to 2.1% in 2023, followed by a recovery to 2.4% in 2024.


Inflation Eases Globally

Headline inflation rates are showing signs of improvement, with the IMF anticipating a decrease from 8.7 percent in 2022 to 7.0 percent in 2023. The FAO Food Price Index has also recorded a downward trend, reflecting stability in commodity markets and improved supply-chain conditions.




Navigating Challenges in Pakistan

Pakistan faced significant economic challenges during FY2023, including international supply shocks, monsoon floods, and various domestic factors. Despite this, the National Economic Council has set an optimistic GDP growth target of 3.5% for the fiscal year 2023-24. The World Bank projects Pakistan's GDP growth for FY2024 at 2%, indicating a positive trajectory.


Sectoral Highlights

While the overall GDP growth rate for FY2023 stood at 0.29%, specific sectors exhibited noteworthy performance. The agricultural sector, despite challenges, showed growth at 1.55%, with certain crops like wheat, sugarcane, and maize displaying positive growth. The services sector, although experiencing a slow growth rate of 0.86%, remains a vital contributor to the economy.




Taming Inflation

Pakistan has made strides in controlling inflation, with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) taking measures such as a policy rate hike to 22 percent. Average SPI inflation during July-June FY23 was 33%, a notable improvement from the previous year. The recent dip in inflation can be attributed to reduced international commodity prices and an improved exchange rate following agreements with the IMF. The inflation rate in the medium-term i.e FY2024 and FY2025 is expected to be normalized due to high base effect as well as improvement in global conditions. SBP hiked the policy rate to 22 percent after a meeting of the bank’s Monetary Policy Committee on 26.06.2023 to rein in inflation.




Stability in the Stock Market

The KSE-100 index recorded a modest decline of 0.21% on 27.06.2023, indicating stability in the stock market. Despite global uncertainties, the local stock market continues to show resilience.




Improved Trade Balance

Pakistan's external sector has witnessed positive developments, with the current account deficit narrowing by 85.4% during FY23. The overall trade balance improved by 44.75%, reflecting a decline in imports. While Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) saw a decline, recent developments, including inflows from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, signal renewed confidence.




Managing Economic Uncertainties

The exchange rate recorded at 290 rupees per dollar on 30th June, 2023, reflects the impact of political and economic uncertainties. The real effective exchange rate recorded at 87.75 in June 2023 as compared to a value of 94.86 in June 2022, reflecting a decline of 7.54%. However, the real effective exchange rate suggests that Pakistan's currency is undervalued, offering a competitive edge for exports.




Addressing Fiscal Challenges

Foreign exchange reserves with SBP recorded at $4.46 billion on 30th June, 2023 as compared to $9.82 billion on 30th June, 2022, marking a decline of 54.5%. Total foreign exchange reserves recorded at $9.75 billion on 30th June, 2023 as compared to $15.45 billion on 30th June, 2022, marking a decline of 36.9%.




Balancing Fiscal Responsibilities

Total debt for FY23 reached Rs. 69.2 trillion (Domestic debt 36.7 trillion and external debt amounting to Rs. 32.5 trillion), marking a significant increase of 35.4%. The rise in total debt for FY23 can be attributed to various factors, including substantial financing requirements and currency depreciation. Despite the increase, Pakistan is actively working on managing its debt while focusing on economic stability.