Pakistan Advances by 7 Spots in Corruption Perceptions Index 2023

Pakistan Advances by 7 Spots in Corruption Perceptions Index 2023

Pakistan has advanced by 7 positions in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), moving from 140 in CPI 2022 to 133 in CPI 2023.

Additionally, the score has improved by 2 points to 29 in CPI 2023, against 27 points in CPI 2022.

This reflects the sound anti-corruption measures taken by different pillars of the state.

According to Justice (R) Zia Perwez, Chair of Transparency International Pakistan, the government policies aimed at better governance and effective enforcement of the laws are expected to yield positive results in the future.

Transparency International calls on governments to give justice systems the independence, resources, and transparency needed to effectively punish all corruption offenses and provide checks and balances on power.

“Where necessary, they must also introduce better procedures and laws to help justice institutions shield themselves from and target corrupt acts,” he further added.