Online Matrimonial Sites: HIAs Trapping Govt/Armed Forces Individuals

Online Matrimonial Sites: HIAs Trapping Govt/Armed Forces Individuals

ISLAMABAD: The government has warned that Hostile Intelligence Agencies (HIAs) are using online matrimonial apps and sites for spotting, data collection and trapping of government/armed forces individuals.

The National Telecommunication and Information Security Board (NTISB) has issued an advisory while recommending that using any online matrimonial apps/sites be avoided as these services provide suitable cover to HIAs to spot and access their data even under Google Play store security checks.

The advisory noted that one such app is Rishta - Pakistani Matrimony (an android app available on Google Play Store) and website is Technical analysis of the app and web site is as under:

a. Android App: Rishta – Pakistan Matrimony-(1) Developed by Vivah4D (Released on 18th December, 2020) and is downloaded 5000 + times so far. (2) Vivah4D has also developed 2 x other apps i.e. Nepali Vivah and Bangladesh Matrimony (both available on Google Play Store). (3) Collects Following data of users. (a) Location. Access approx. location (networkbased), (b) Storage. Read, modify or delete contents on SD card. (c) Advertising ID permission. (d) Run foreground services. (e) Google Play billing services. (f) Send sticky broadcast. (g) Have full network access. (h) View network connections. (i) Prevent phone from- sleeping. (j) Play install Referrer API. (k) Receive data from internet. (l) Read Google service configurations.

b. Web Site: -(1) Collects personal information (Age, city, education, community, career and marital status), which is displayed for site visitors and also passed on to third party/service providers. Third parties can use personal information as per their own privacy policy. (2) This site also provides chat rooms, instant messaging and mail content facility to users, any information disclosed by users in these areas becomes public information.

HIAs have created accounts on the above mentioned apps and site for spotting and trapping of government/Armed Forces individuals.

In order to counter the above mentioned HIA’s traps, ensure strict compliance of the following aspects: a. Using any online matrimonial apps/sites be avoided as these services provide suitable cover to HIAs to spot and access their data even under Google Play store security checks. b. Individuals who have already downloaded Rishta – Pakistani Matrimony app and have been approached by HIAs should immediately report to senior management/concerned HR as per procedure in vogue. Rishta - Pakistani matrimony app may be treated as banned app.