Nadra resumes registration of transgender persons

The National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) restarted transgender registration on Monday, nearly three months after it had been suspended. Following the Federal Shariat Court’s (FSC) judgment in May 2023 against the provisions of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2018, Nadra halted the registration of transgender people for the ‘X’ National Identity Card […] The post Nadra resumes registration of transgender persons appeared first on

Nadra resumes registration of transgender persons

The National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) restarted transgender registration on Monday, nearly three months after it had been suspended.

Following the Federal Shariat Court’s (FSC) judgment in May 2023 against the provisions of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2018, Nadra halted the registration of transgender people for the ‘X’ National Identity Card (NIC). The legal community, civic society, and human rights campaigners were all outraged by the ruling.

PPP Secretary General Farhatullah Babar had challenged the FSC ruling at the Supreme Court’s Shariat appellate court in July.

Nadra issued a notification earlier today reversing its prior order to freeze registrations.

Rida Qazi, Nadra Public Engagement Director, told that the authority had issued instructions to resume printing of ‘X’ NICs for transgender people.

She stated that the procedure was first paused following the FSC ruling, but has since resumed now that the case is before the Supreme Court. According to Qazi, Nadra was constitutionally obligated to produce ‘X’ NICs for transsexual people after the proposal of its external legal advice branch.

The judgment was hailed by Nayyab Ali, director of Transgender Rights Consultants Pakistan.

“Congratulations to the entire community of transgender activists in Pakistan for your relentless struggle,” Ali said on the social media platform X.

The National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) praised Nadra’s action and “prompt response” in reactivating the ‘X ‘NIC registration process.

“NCHR will continue to uphold the rights of all, esp the marginalised communities of Pakistan,” it stated.

The provision of various rights, according to NCHR chairperson Rabiya Javeri Agha, is tied to obtaining a valid NIC.

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