Meta Plans to Begin Labeling AI-Generated Content in May

Meta Plans to Begin Labeling AI-Generated Content in May

Meta recently said they'll start dealing with deepfakes in a new way. Deepfakes are fake videos or pictures made using AI. This change is important because it shows how social media platforms are dealing with fake content.

Instead of deleting AI-made content, Meta will label it. They hope this will help fight lies while still letting people speak freely.

Many people and governments worry about deepfakes, especially during elections. Meta knows it's hard to tell what's real and what's fake online.

The White House wants tech companies to watermark fake media. This shows that both big tech companies and governments need to work together to stop fake content. Meta is working on tools to spot fake media and plans to watermark images made with its AI.

Meta wants users to be careful when they see AI-made content. They say users should check if the account is trustworthy and if the content looks strange. This is part of their plan to help users tell real from fake.