Google Maps Unveils Exciting Updates to Elevate User Experience in India

Google Maps Unveils Exciting Updates to Elevate User Experience in India

Google announced a series of innovative features and updates for its mapping service in India, aimed at enhancing user experience and setting the stage for the upcoming year.

Among the latest additions is the launch of Lens in Maps, set to debut in 15 Indian cities by January, initially on Android. Building on its October release in the U.S. and other global markets, this feature utilizes a combination of artificial intelligence and augmented reality. When users point their smartphone cameras at a restaurant or cafe, Lens in Maps provides valuable information such as opening hours, ratings, reviews, and photos.

Adding to the user-friendly navigation experience, Google introduced Live View walking navigation in India, offering arrows, directions, and distance markers overlaid on the Maps screen. Initially available on Android, this feature will be extended to over 3,000 cities and towns across the country.

Miriam Karthika, VP for Google Maps Experience, emphasized the scale of operation in India, stating, "India is a massive, massive country with so many diverse needs."

In addition to visual enhancements, Google introduced Address Descriptors, a unique India-first capability that uses machine learning signals to offer up to five relevant landmarks and area names around pinned addresses. This feature will be available in over 75 Indian cities.

Google is also bringing fuel-efficient routing to India in January, catering to both four-wheelers and two-wheelers. The feature, which has already prevented over 2.4 million metric tons of CO2e emissions globally, uses AI to analyze real-time traffic data, road elevation, and vehicle engine type to identify routes that minimize fuel consumption and emissions.

Collaborating with India’s Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) and mobility app Namma Yatri, Google will provide metro schedules and bookings directly through Maps. The service will debut with Kochi metro by mid-next year.

The Where Is My Train app, with over 80 million monthly users, has expanded its coverage to include Mumbai and Kolkata local trains, with plans for further city additions.

Google emphasized its extensive mapping efforts in India, covering millions of kilometers of roads, 300 million buildings, and integrating 30 million businesses and places on Maps. With over 50 million daily searches, 2.5 billion kilometers of directions, and more than 60 million unique users contributing to Maps daily, Google continues to play a pivotal role in the navigation landscape in India.