GB Govt Announces Rs1.4 Trillion Budget for 2024-25, Including Wheat Subsidy

Minister says a significant amount of Rs19bn has been earmarked for wheat subsidy to provide relief to the people of GB

GB Govt Announces Rs1.4 Trillion Budget for 2024-25, Including Wheat Subsidy

Islamabad: The Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) government on Monday announced an ambitious Rs1.402 trillion budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, emphasizing significant investments in development and public welfare. Presenting the budget in the provincial assembly, GB Finance Minister Engineer Ismail highlighted key allocations designed to foster growth and provide substantial relief to the region's residents.

Budget Allocation Overview

The budget dedicates Rs86.6 billion to non-development expenditures, ensuring the smooth functioning of essential operational and administrative functions. Meanwhile, Rs34.5 billion has been earmarked for development projects, targeting critical sectors such as infrastructure, education, health, and social welfare.

  • Annual Development Programme: Rs20 billion
  • Federal Government Projects: Rs13.5 billion

Wheat Subsidy

In a notable move to ease the financial burden on residents, the budget allocates Rs19.07 billion for wheat subsidies. This substantial measure aims to make wheat more affordable and accessible to the people of GB.

Sector-Wise Budgetary Allocations

  • Education Sector: Rs1.37 billion to enhance educational infrastructure, facilities, and programs.
  • Health Sector: Rs1.52 billion to upgrade healthcare services and build hospitals.
  • Agriculture Department: Rs597.9 million to support agricultural development and boost crop production.
  • Food Department: Rs998 million to ensure food security and efficient management of food supplies.
  • Mineral Resources Department: Rs110 million for sustainable exploration and utilization of mineral resources.
  • Irrigation Department: Rs1.728 billion for developing and maintaining irrigation systems.
  • Forestry and Environment Department: Rs1.524 billion to promote environmental conservation.
  • Rural Development Department: Rs1.19 billion for enhancing rural infrastructure.
  • Information Technology Department: Rs1.316 billion to improve digital infrastructure.
  • Technical Education Department: Rs7.763 billion for vocational training and technical education.
  • Social Welfare Department: Rs3.632 billion for social welfare programs.
  • Power Department: Rs2.88 billion for energy projects.
  • Communication Department: Rs5.63 billion for transportation and communication networks.
  • Information Department: Rs41.4 million for public awareness initiatives.
  • Prison Department: Rs536.8 million for prison facility improvements.
  • Law Department: Rs192.6 million to strengthen the legal system.
  • Excise and Taxation Department: Rs57.4 million for tax and duty collection.

Salary Increases

The finance minister also announced an ad hoc relief package, which includes a 25% increase in salaries for government employees of grade 1-16 and a 20% increase for those in grade 18 and above. This initiative aims to improve the standard of living for government employees.

Commitment to Balanced Development

The GB government’s budget underscores its commitment to balanced development, social welfare, and economic growth. By focusing on critical sectors such as infrastructure, education, health, and social services, the budget aims to pave the way for a more prosperous and resilient Gilgit-Baltistan.

In his address, Finance Minister Engineer Ismail expressed confidence that these investments would significantly enhance the quality of life for GB residents and drive the region toward sustainable development.