Elon Musk introduces xAI, a new competitor to OpenAI

Elon Musk declared on Friday during a debate on Twitter Spaces that his new company, xAI, is unquestionably in rivalry with OpenAI, according to Bloomberg.

Elon Musk introduces xAI, a new competitor to OpenAI

Musk and his new startup's workforce loftily discussed xAI's objective.

The business, which launched a new website this week, aims to safely build artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Musk claimed he wants to construct a good AGI to understand the universe.

AGI, a speculative technology that can understand and learn human skills, has thrilled and frightened experts.

Musk's new hires praised the tech on Friday. Former Microsoft developer Greg Yang likened AI development to quantum physics and general relativity.

Musk's statements occasionally seemed absurd. “Why is there not massive alien evidence?” he wondered.

Musk has a love-hate relationship with AI. He co-founded OpenAI in 2015 then resigned its board and criticised it a few years later.

The billionaire supported a six-month AI development halt in March and founded xAI six months later.

All 12 early xAI employees, including Musk, are men with industry experience. Most were Google and DeepMind employees.

Industry concerns include AI research concentration. Kyle Kosic, a former OpenAI employee at xAI, said he was excited for increased competition.

“The biggest danger of AI is monopolisation by a couple of entities,” Kosic added.