At OIC meeting, Pakistan called for setting up humanitarian corridors for Gaza

At an urgent meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Pakistan called for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s campaign in Gaza. Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, leading the Pakistani delegation, condemned the Israeli aggression, inhumane blockade of Gaza, and the recent attack on a hospital in Gaza. He stated that Israel’s actions violated […] The post At OIC meeting, Pakistan called for setting up humanitarian corridors for Gaza appeared first on

At OIC meeting, Pakistan called for setting up humanitarian corridors for Gaza

At an urgent meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Pakistan called for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s campaign in Gaza. Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, leading the Pakistani delegation, condemned the Israeli aggression, inhumane blockade of Gaza, and the recent attack on a hospital in Gaza.

He stated that Israel’s actions violated international humanitarian and human rights law, amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity. Pakistan urged the international community to hold Israel accountable for its actions, called for an immediate ceasefire, and emphasized the need for humanitarian corridors to supply relief to Gaza.

Pakistan reaffirmed its support for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and the establishment of a sovereign state of Palestine based on the pre-June 1967 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. The meeting concluded with a Joint Communiqué representing the collective stance of the Muslim Ummah on the Gaza situation.

In Gaza, the strike on Ahli Arab Hospital resulted in numerous casualties, including sick and wounded individuals and people forcibly displaced from their homes due to other Israeli attacks. This incident was condemned by the Hamas government in Gaza and characterized as a “war crime.”

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